Sloan fellow!

Feb 2025. Congrats Chuchu to receive the Sloan research fellowship!

Welcome new rotation student!

August 2024. We welcome Ava Bignell, a new cohort of first-year MCIP student, to rotate in the fall!

Welcome Shiling Hu to join the lab!

August 2024. We welcome Shiling Hu, our first postdoc fellow, to the lab. She will officially start in October. Can’t wait!

Chuchu Zhang’s joint appointment with the Department of Neurobiology at UCLA

August 2024. Excited to be part of this community!

Welcome Melika to join the lab!

June 2024. We are excited to have Melika Madani, a first-year MCIP graduate student, joining the lab officially in the fall!

Great job presenting at the Department Retreat, Ashley!

May 2024. Great job presenting preliminary work from the Zhang Lab at the Physiology Retreat, Ashley!

Welcome undergrads to the lab!

April 2024. We are excited to have Vanessa, Emilie, and Angie joining the lab as undergraduate researchers!

Welcome Colby to join the lab!

January 2024. We are excited to have Colby Rhodes joining the lab as a research assistant!

Welcome Ashley to join the lab!

December 2023. We are excited to have the first graduate student, Ashley Loureiro, joining the lab!

Lab opens! First student Justin!

September 2023. We are officially here at UCLA! Welcome the first-ever undergraduate student in the lab, Justin Luu!